Meeting bloggers in Warsaw 

There are many pleasures being in the northern hemisphere, not least of which is descending from the blogosphere, and meeting other bloggers in the flesh. I’ve just spent a couple of days with Sue from England and Viveka from Sweden, revisiting, in 30° heat, familiar places with the aid of their new eyes. 

They are two splendid women whom I admire deeply for different reasons. Viveka has a better grip on the Warsaw transport system than I have and obviously knows how to travel plentifully: she found a neon museum for goodness sake! Sue persisted in the face of heat which really knocked her about, demolishing the opportunity to fulfil her photographic visions for the day: she also wielded, on her first visit, basic Polish phrases with more competence than I do on my sixth. It was a pleasure being with them, getting to know them, and seeing how they operate photographically.

The centrepiece of my time with them was a short dilapidation tour of Praga, three streets that are part of a walking tour based on Polanski’s “The pianist”. The sun was already belting down when we arrived relatively early – we were dining till 11.30 the night before, the only women amongst a crowd of sheesha-smoking males by the time we left – but we had the benefit of the shady side of ul Mała. We went our seperate ways, pausing to notice what had caught other eyes.

There were a lot more people around than on my previous visits, so my embarrassment at poking my nose into their neighbourhood increased. However, “dzień dobry” was always returned, and Sue and I had quite a conversation, albeit incomprehensible, with an old woman. We laughed our way through incomprehension, wishing as always for an exchange of understanding. Sue had the wit to call “do widzenia” after her, as she gave up and left us to our foreignness. There was more green than I remember too, flowering grass and windowboxes bright with geraniums. 

About morselsandscraps

A retired Australian who spends a lot of time in Warsaw, and blogs as a way of life.
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34 Responses to Meeting bloggers in Warsaw 

  1. Lucid Gypsy says:

    Ahh lucky girls getting to spend so much time together, and a photo day as well!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Rosemary Barnard says:

    I do like that balcony with the red flowers. As I have commented before, notice how many of the windows have been replaced. Will be interesting to see whether gentrification takes place within a few years.


    • See my reply to Jude re gentrification. The place is endlessly photogenic: it was such a pity about the heat. The highlight for me was the extended non-conversation with the old lady – who was probably no older than me!


  3. restlessjo says:

    Merciful stars! I would have cried if you took me there 🙂 🙂 Wonderful to see them in action. I remember Viveka’s sandals but I think that may be the first photo I’ve ever seen of Sue. I’m proud of her for having a go with Polish (and for tackling heat with ME). Lunch cooked and eaten. Superb time with the beach and lighthouse this morning. Got to knuckle down now. 🙂 Sunday hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. viveka says:

    Meg, the pleasure to share time … you in Warsaw with Sue .. Priceless!!!! Love your post and your display image of me too. Great images of Sue and me … your image from the Mala area are brilliant … LOVE the rain and thunder that I enjoy just now. Had a great couple of hours at the Jewish cemetery and lunch at the mall when the rain started. Warsaw needs it.


    • It was priceless indeed. Thank you so much for including me in your visit here.

      I’m glad you liked the image of you. I thought it was a beauty, but the owner of an image often doesn’t agree. I’m also glad you got to the Jewish cemetery. The storm wreaked havoc in the park we walk through to preschool: we just beat it to lunch with the relatives, and it was wild. I’m looking forward to your Warsaw post and to following you more seriously.


  5. I’m delighted to see you enjoying your time in Warsaw with friends and still keeping up the blog! I like your pictures, particularly the rusty padlock and old doors – great photographic subjects.


    • I’ve been wondering where you were. Have you been posting and I cut off? I’m a bit surprised that you like such subjects for the camera, given your splendid landscape photographic focus.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Sorry I’ve been off the radar for a bit but you definitely haven’t been cut off! I was over in China visiting my brother and have since been super busy with my day job and I’m not long home from a wedding photography course too, so I’ve fallen a bit behind on Word Press. I have plenty to blog about though so I’ll be back to normal again soon!

        Landscapes will always be my main passion but I do like shots like this and always keep an eye out for these subjects when the light isn’t right for the ‘big picture’.


        • I wasn’t thinking you’d cut me off: sometimes WordPress takes liberties. I’m looking forward to future posts: I’m imagining China is very different from Scotland. And wedding photography, eh? That’s a new and demanding area: landscapes are always satisfied with a photo-shoot!!!

          Liked by 1 person

          • China was incredible but, yes, a real culture shock! Visiting the Great Wall was mind-blowing and it took a few weeks to feel normal again back home. Yes, wedding photography is quite a challenge! Landscape photography will only ever provide me with pocket money unless I run workshops (which I would love to do sometime in the future). Wedding photography, if I become successful at it, would provide me with a living and allow me to become a professional photographer, which has long been my dream. And who knows, being in charge of my own time might help me to devote more time to landscape photography in the long run. Interesting times ahead!


  6. Heyjude says:

    Have to admire a lady with two cameras! And such wonderful decay, though to be fair the people living there may not be of the same opinion. You captured some real delights Meg and in wonderful light, especially the first collage. I remember watching the Pianist on a plane and was sobbing by the end of it. Not a good film to watch in public. I hope Sue managed to enjoy her time there. 30 degree heat would knock me out too!


    • Big storm yesterday and cooler today – but today they go home. I’m really ambivalent about poking my camera into people’s living place, I must confess. My picturesque could well be their sub-standard living conditions – but still I do it. “The Pianist” trail provided a bit of cover. You can see past grandeur in many places, and there we signs that renovation may well be the order of the day, which will create other problems for the residents. Viveka’s tireless research suggested that plenty of insides belie the battered outsides too.


  7. Sue says:

    Lov these Praga images, Meg! I’m just home and itching to get to the computer, but that must wait….. It was wonderful to spend time with you, and I’m glad you were able to jabber away to your heart’s content in English!


    • I’m itching to see the results of you getting to the computer. It’ll be trickle feeding I guess, so I’ll never know when there’ll be a Warsaw pleasure.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Sue says:

        I might do a post with a number of photographs on Warsaw, or I might just do my usual Wordless Wednesday’s, Thursday specials and ‘One’s …..we’ll see! But I have a lot to sort out here, so probably not much in the way of posting straight away

        Liked by 1 person

  8. pommepal says:

    What a delight to spend time with other bloggers, I have had that pleasure a couple of times and it is like meeting with old friends. Love all the photos in this post. And the dedication to photography you all demonstrated. I think I would just melt in those temps. Do you get humidity too? I have been away for a few days so have fallen behind with the posts. You have some fascinating ones to get back to Meg so I will be back.


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