
Warsaw is a city of bikes, and for bikes. It’s mainly quite flat, except for a mild rise to the escarpment: there are many bike paths where cyclists rocket along without much concern for meandering pedestrians; there are rent-a-bike stands all over the place, where your first 20 minutes are free. I’m not game to mount one but everyone else in my mob has one. And they are almost as photogenic as umbrellas.

But this last one is my pick, because I know its history. It’s my daughter’s and she rode it from Tokyo to Warsaw, through Central Asia.  Now it carries her to work, or to glamorous Sunday lunches, and the twins to playgrounds, fountains and lakes. As I write this it is touring for three days along the Baltic (minus passengers).

If you want to see the hero-bike on its travels here are some shots from Tajikistan and Iran.

About morselsandscraps

A retired Australian who spends a lot of time in Warsaw, and blogs as a way of life.
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11 Responses to Bikes

  1. Sue says:

    There is indeed something photogenic about bicycles!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. desleyjane says:

    Wow that’s along journey your daughter took! And I love the pink one (of course) and the line of bikes too.


  3. Lucid Gypsy says:

    Aww sorry you have a sore throat honey, big hugs. Bikes are fab, shame I’m too daft to be able to stay put on one!


  4. freebutfun says:

    Tokyo to Warsaw… wow! That’s a true bike ride!


  5. Heyjude says:

    I bet she knows how to change a tyre! I can’t imagine cycling that far, ever! And yes, bikes are extremely photogenic. I have a few photos 🙂


  6. deannemmoore says:

    Ro needs a sticker on hers “I’ve been everywhere man…” xx


  7. viveka says:

    Love your bikes … specially the painted one on the tree. Bikes are everywhere those days … Denmark is second in the world .. after Nederlands. I think Sweden comes on 4th in the world, but we are very rude bikers – while in Denmark they are a lot more considering. Very fun post. Well done, Meg.


    • Polish riders can be pretty rude too: life-endangeringly so sometimes!


      • viveka says:

        Today I nearly hit by a rider … he came behind me and I didn’t hear him, so I toke a step to the side .. without knowing he was just behind me. He didn’t say sorry or anything .. my heart nearly stopped. Collided with a bike many years ago in Gothenburg and it was my fault. Extremely painful. Riders in Sweden are ignorant and as you say … RUDE!!!! No consideration for anything .. not even the cars.


Please talk to me!