Maja and Janek according to mummy

My daughter records ten things – nice and less nice – about the twins quite regularly on her own blog. I can’t seem to reblog the current list, so I’ve provided the links.



About morselsandscraps

A retired Australian who spends a lot of time in Warsaw, and blogs as a way of life.
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15 Responses to Maja and Janek according to mummy

  1. restlessjo says:

    Done Maja. Going back for Janek 🙂


  2. restlessjo says:

    Done Maja. Going back for Janek 🙂
    I was a while because I got sidetracked into reading some of your daughter’s posts on language. It’s a fascinating world, that of a 3 year old (or even two 🙂 ) isn’t it, Meg? Happy days!


  3. Lucid Gypsy says:

    Hey Meg, we’re seeing a lot more of them this year, you used to photograph them from behind!


  4. Heyjude says:

    I’ll catch up later. Honest! Just at that final stage of trying to cram the last bits into boxes. Sigh…


  5. pommepal says:

    I am just doing my early morning blog check, but now it is breakfast time then gardening time, then library visit, then~~~~~ I will get back tonight~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another thing to look forward to checking out.


  6. Paula says:

    They are growing like mushrooms 🙂 Sporty little people. Quite cute 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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