Spring on the bed

I’m not going out because of this wretched flu, but J is, and he’s on an ID mission. In the midday emptiness of the park, he dares to pluck samples from trees. He comes home and settles down to the hunt for names. As he names each treasure he lays it on the bed for me to photograph. The photos aren’t brilliant but they record an attempt to document the progress of  extraordinary spring. Please feel free, indeed very welcome, to correct any ignorances and mistakes.

I’ve tried a few tactics – snapping against the bed cover, holding in a none-too-steady hand, photographing against J’s  ID written on graph paper (which is the ubiquitous format for Polish notebooks), and labelling in Lipix. 

Here is my best effort, very mixed quality, and of course the day after the photo-shoot I stumble across an article on indoor photography!



At the end of the bed-session, we put our samples in a vase. The next morning we can already see changes.


If you want an ode to tree-spring, try chanting this:

Alder, hornbeam, hazel, buckthorn, 

cornel, linden, larch,

walnut, weeping willow


box elder, red maple, 

golden ash, black poplar, 

maple, hawthorn,

lilac, rowan, 

and, king of all, 

horse chestnut.

About morselsandscraps

A retired Australian who spends a lot of time in Warsaw, and blogs as a way of life.
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24 Responses to Spring on the bed

  1. Sue says:

    Hope you feel better soon, Meg….. Well done for documenting the spring whilst not feeling grand!


  2. Lucid Gypsy says:

    Well done J, what a hero he is. This is amazing, such variety, I might know some of them if I was standing beside them but only a few from buds!
    Get well soon so you can go see them in situ 🙂


    • Out again yesterday – thanks to your good wishes! It’s so great to be here from the beginning and to have my guide to the botanical world with me. The parkland is now not just full of generic trees.


  3. Heyjude says:

    I think you have done well – lovely photos and I like the way you have done the ID – I’m not too hot on trees, I don’t even know some of these! And now it is time for that flu to be GONE!!


    • GONE it is!!!! I was a bit surprised that you aren’t tree-expert – we were depending on you. And then of course I realised you do flowers, although I do remember a great tree series, some time back.


      • Heyjude says:

        I’d like to know more about trees, but so many have such similar leaves I find it quite baffling. Unless someone puts a label on it 😉


        • J does that for me. I’d never have either patience or know-how. He was mightily annoyed with the Warsaw botanical gardens for failure to label. We’re lucky having flowers within reach, often with the remains of seed pods. Everyone’s going to get heartily sick of my tree posts! Two more in the pipeline, one masquerading as a walk.

          Liked by 1 person

  4. restlessjo says:

    What amazing variety, Meg, and I think you’ve done a grand job with the display. The blanket shots work rather well, and how resourceful to put them in a vase. They look lovely! 🙂 The flowers I got from Lisa are on their very last legs. (worthy of Sue! 🙂 ) They’ll have to go tomorrow, by which time you’ll have shaken off this flu bug! Must be because you’re accustomed to warmer climes. 😦


    • Or different flu bugs. My son-in-law always gets sick in summer Australia. Sad to see Lisa’s flowers fade – but you’re obviously a mother. You kept them till the end! Blanket shots were OK, but I have one lot of against-a-white-wall shots and outside-on-a-tree shots which I think are much better. I’m now more familiar with the subjects now too, and I always think close acquaintance improves photography.

      And yes. I’ve been outside. Twice in fact, with glee, and a lot of sweating. Must be due to all your good wishes.


  5. desleyjane says:

    So sorry to hear you still have the flu Meg, that’s no fun at all. Love the title of this post and what a great idea to put this together. Some really lovely shots in there, I especially like that last one. Feel better.


  6. pommepal says:

    A great way to keep occupied while you are still in recovery mode and J has done so well. Did he use Google? I’m impressed with the photos they are very clear. What did you learn about indoor photography? Get well soon.


    • J used Google and a couple of tree books in Polish and a passion to KNOW. He’s like a terrier when he’s on the track of something. Here’s the indoor photography link http://digital-photography-school.com/12-tips-indoor-natural-light-photography/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=april-0716
      This source has a lot of good articles – I’ve been saving them unread and one of my goals in Warsaw was to read and implement. I get an email on Fridays with a number of topics.

      My next shoot was against a white matt wall with the blinds open (my version of controlled light!) and was a lot sharper. Mind you, I was too, and I went back a number of times to get what I wanted. I was going to go out to the real world today, which has budded munificently in the last week, but it’s raining. And yes thank you. I’m out and about again.


      • pommepal says:

        Your J sounds like my Jack. He has a passion for knowledge and just LOVES Google and the internet. His schooling was very limited so now he is dipping into everything. Thank you for the link I will go over and check it out. Pleased to hear you are out and about. Will look forward to your next walk.

        Liked by 1 person

      • pommepal says:

        Just been for a quick look at that link Meg and I subscribed, it has so many interesting tips and tutorials. I’ll be trying some/all(!!!) of them. You have just extended my computer time to infinity by giving me this link…


  7. Paula says:

    I am glad you are well enough to take photos at home, now that outside will have to wait a bit. I will not chant at the moment cause I can’t wait for pollen to go away. I like sycamore maple best.


  8. quollgirl says:

    Glad you’re learning these things so you can show your stupid eldest who can’t tell her salix from her sorbus. Keep your eyes open for more of those kid’s field-guides in Empik!


    • We have ADULT guides, I’ll have you know – and your father is a new Google addict and Wikipedia tragic, as well as his usual obsessive plant sleuth self! I do mourn the loss of those little books: I loved their littleness. I tried to find them in Empic last visit and couldn’t. Maybe we need you to come and visit!


Please talk to me!